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REAO: East Asian Studies Journals

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Home Journal Index
  1. Local, Intermediate and Long-distance Binding: The Case of the Chinese Reflexive Ziji in the Long Bei-construction
  2. Chen Yang Valentina Brunetto University of Leeds, UK   Abstract This study tackles binding issues of
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  1. 动词“呼吸”的句法特征探析
  2. 王少茗 澳门大学,中国   摘要 汉语动词“呼吸”描述的是脊椎生物每时
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  1. 蜷缩类身体动词的语法教学探析
  2. 周洁 澳门大学,中国   王珊  澳门大学,中国 珠海澳大科技研究院,中
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  1. An Investigation of English-Speaking Students' Acquisition of Chinese Complements: From a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective
  2. Yinyin Peng Zhejiang Normal University, China   Ying Peng University of Leeds, UK   Abstract
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  1. Chinese Second Language Learners' Speaking Development During Study Abroad: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency
  2. Rongrong Guo University College Cork, Ireland   Abstract The purpose of this study was to contribute to
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  1. Applying the ZPD to Language Teaching: A Study of the Integration of an Online Assessment Tool into a Chinese Programme
  2. Weiming Liu Dublin City University, Ireland   Abstract During the time of Covid-19, language teaching f
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  1. 百宝箱语素字词典
  2. 夏诠真   摘要 直到目前,汉语只有字被编码。无论是手机书写或是网上阅读,所
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  1. 序法:汉语语法新探
  2. 苏立群 摘要 本文认为现行的汉语语法体系是使用西方语法的理念和体系之概念来表
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  1. 9
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