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Lan Yang
Ying Peng
University of Leeds, UK
Dongyan Chen
University of Greenwich, UK
Chen Yang
Clare Wright
University of Leeds, UK
This special issue of the "International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching" comprises a selection of papers presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL-4), held in June 2022 at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. This symposium series was established in 2015 and has become an advanced academic platform for cutting-edge research in Chinese theoretical and applied linguistics.
At ISOCTAL-4, representatives from different countries gathered at the conference in person and online to discuss a wide range of topics and approaches in Chinese linguistics and language teaching. The symposium focused on five main areas: Chinese linguistic knowledge based on Chinese linguistic theory, exploring the question of “what to teach”; cognitive psychology-based perspectives on Chinese language acquisition, exploring “how to learn”; educational theories and methods based on pedagogy, looking at “how to teach”; new teaching technologies based on contemporary technological developments, exploring new modes for teaching and learning; and discussions regarding the bridge between language and culture in Chinese language teaching.
This special issue includes eight articles that represent the different aspects explored by scholars. The first six follow standard empirical research investigations of different questions based in linguistic theory, cognitive learning and pedagogical approaches. The final two pieces introduce a different style of focus and format, presenting theoretical and methodological reports on innovations in thinking about Chinese words and grammar.
Lan Yang
Ying Peng
Dongyan Chen
Chen Yang
Clare Wright
作为《国际汉语教学学报》的一期特刊,这是一本会议论文集,选录了一组在第四届理论及应用汉语语言学国际研讨会( ISOCTAL-4)上发表的论文。