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Home Journal Index 2024-2

Applying the ZPD to Language Teaching: A Study of the Integration of an Online Assessment Tool into a Chinese Programme

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Weiming Liu

Dublin City University, Ireland



During the time of Covid-19, language teaching faced numerous challenges and underwent significant changes. Online teaching platforms emerged as valuable tools in the digital learning environment. However, there has been limited exploration of how technologies are integrated into the online learning context, particularly in terms of supporting assessment design and promoting learner agency. To address this gap, the current paper conducted a study at an Irish university, involving eight students over the course of one academic year. These students were provided with both formative Loop quizzes for reviewing their learning content and summative Loop quizzes as continuous assessment tests. The qualitative research data for this study were gathered through participants’ questionnaires. The findings indicated that Loop quizzes as a mediating tool effectively complemented students’ synchronous learning in a flexible and efficient manner. An essential aspect of this project was the examination of the social context in which students demonstrated responsible learning actions and experienced areas for improvement under the guidance of the teacher. The pedagogical model employed in this study was derived from the Vygotskian Zone of Proximal Development, which demonstrated the development of learner agency. The potential study extends to offer insights for language educators as they seek to adapt their teaching practices to cater to the evolving needs of contemporary language learners.



Assessment, Chinese, learner agency, Loop quiz, ZPD







新冠疫情给语言教学带来了挑战和改变,线上教学平台备受关注。然而,如何把技术整合进包括支持评估设计和提升学习者能动性这样的线上学习环境,这方面的研究相对有限。有鉴于此,本文以包括进程性测试和总结性测试两种形式的 Loop 测试为测试工具,以问卷调查的方式对爱尔兰汉语学习者进行了为期一学年的研究。研究结果表明,作为一种中介工具, Loop 测试在辅助课堂教学方面发挥了有效作用。同时, Loop 测试有助于构建社交语境并激发学生的能动性,使其在教师的引导下展现负责任的学习行为,从而提高学习效果。该研究的教学法模型来自维果茨基的最近发展区理论。潜在的研究可以帮助语言教师调整其教学活动以便满足当代语言学习者的新需求。



评估,汉语教学,学习者能动性, Loop 测试,最近发展区