
ISSN Number



MLA Directory of Periodicals

REAO: East Asian Studies Journals

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Call for Papers



Special Issue Theme



Guest Editors


Abstracts Due


CFP Download

Cognitive Linguistics in Chinese Teaching and Learning

Shu-Ling Wu

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA


May 30, 2021


Culture and Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Teaching Materials: Representation, Context, and Pedagogies


Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China


Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China


1 April, 2021


Chinese for Specific Purposes

Daoxiong Guan

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Clare Wright

University of Leeds, UK

Ying Peng

University of Leeds, UK


March 31, 2021


Systemic Functional Linguistics and Chinese Grammar

Edward McDonald

The Compleat Translator, Australia

Pin Wang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

15 Nov, 2020





Special Issue

Culture and Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Teaching Materials: Representation, Context, and Pedagogies


Guest Editors

Tao XIONG, Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
Yue PENG, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China



Language teaching materials is an essential vehicle for learners to understand and appreciate the target culture (Kramsch & Vinall, 2015; Xiong, 2012; Xiong & Qian, 2012). With the rapid development of multilingual and multicultural realities in today’s globalized world, issues on culture in language textbooks have once again been in the spotlight (Canale, 2016; CurdtChristiansen & Weninger, 2015; Daghigh & Rahim, 2020; Kramsch & Vinall, 2015; Sun & Kwon, 2019; Weninger & Kiss, 2013). As a kind of cultural product, the design, circulation and use of language teaching materials are embedded in particular social, cultural and political context, reflecting and reproducing cultural knowledge and value orientations. Against the backdrop of ideals of “common destiny for mankind” and the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s global influence has seen a rapid growth, leading to mounting cultural and ideological debate. International Chinese education is a potential venue for teachers and students to seek cultural understanding and co-existence (Li, 2011, 2013; Ouyang & Zhou, 2016; Xiong & Peng, 2020). It has therefore become a topic of high interest to study the representation of culture in and teaching of culture with CSL materials.

This special issue aims to address the broad topic of culture in CSL materials with special focus on representation, context and pedagogies. The suggested topics are listed but not limited to the following:
- Representation and construction of cultural knowledge and values in CSL materials
- Development, evaluation, and treatment of culture in context-specific CSL materials
- Stakeholders’ (e.g., teachers and students) perceptions of culture in CSL materials
- Translingual/multilingual and multicultural contexts and their relevance to CSL materials
- Pedagogical innovations and reflections on cultural teaching with CSL materials
- Other related topics


We understand CSL teaching materials as including not only commercial, ready-made textbooks but also materials and resources in digital forms. The themes and topics cover materials from primary to tertiary levels, and from different cultural contexts. We welcome innovative contributions to the topic from a variety of theoretical, conceptual and methodological perspectives.


Important Dates

- Abstract submission due: 1 April, 2021
- Initial notification: 1 May, 2021
- Full manuscripts due: 1 September, 2021
- Revised manuscripts due: 1 December, 2021
- Publication date: March 2022


Submission Instructions
We accept submissions written in English or Chinese. English articles should be around 7,000 words and Chinese articles 10,000 Chinese characters (inclusive of notes and bibliography). For formatting requirements, contributors are invited to review online the journal’s style guide and recent publications at Questions about this special issue and submission of abstracts and full manuscripts should be sent to guest editors at (Tao XIONG) and pengyue@mail. (Yue PENG).






外语教学材料是学习者学习目标语言文化的重要载体 (Kramsch & Vinall, 2015; Xiong, 2012; Xiong & Qian, 2012)。伴随着全球多语与多元文化现象的深入发展,外语教材中的文化因素持续受到学界的密切关注(Canale, 2016; Curdt-Christiansen & Weninger, 2015; Sun & Kwon, 2019; Weninger & Kiss, 2013; Xiong & Peng, 2020)。教材作为一种文化产品,其编写、流通与使用植根于特定社会文化和政治语境,折射并再生产文化知识和价值取向。在“人类命运共同体”和“一带一路”理念下,中国的全球影响力迅速提升,引起了文化和意识形态论争。汉语国际教育理应成为师生共同寻求文化理解和文化共生的重要场域 (Li, 2011, 2013; Ouyang & Zhou, 2016: Xiong & Peng, 2020)。在上述背景下,汉语(作为第二语言教学)教材中的文化表征与文化教学值得我们深入探究。

- 汉语教材中文化知识与价值观的表征与建构
- 特定语境下汉语教材中文化内容的编写、评估与改造
- 相关人员(如教师和学生)对汉语教材中文化内容的感知
- 超语、多语和多文化语境与汉语教材的关系
- 针对汉语教材中的文化教学的教学法革新与反思
- 及其他相关议题



- 摘要提交: 2021 年 4 月 1日
- 接受通知: 2021 年 5 月 1 日
- 全文提交: 2021 年 9 月 1 日
- 修改稿提交: 2021 年 12 月 1 日
- 刊出日期: 2022 年 3月


论文可用英文或中文撰写,篇幅限7000英文单词或10000汉字(含注释及参考文献)。文稿格式要求请参阅期刊体例及近期刊出的论文,网址: 。有 关 本 期 专 刊 的 诸 项 事 宜 请 洽 专 刊 主 编 熊 涛 ( ) 和 彭 越(。