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  1. 加拿大汉语教育专刊介绍
  2. 蔡薇  卡尔加里大学,加拿大   王仁忠 麦吉尔大学,加拿大   出版
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  1. 加拿大汉语教育状况及发展
  2. 蔡薇  卡尔加里大学,加拿大   王仁忠 麦吉尔大学,加拿大   摘要
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  1. The Teaching and Learning of Third Tone Sandhi: L2- and Heritage-Learners of Mandarin Chinese in Canadian University Classes
  2. Jie Deng John Archibald University of Victoria, Canada   Abstract In this paper, we probe the questi
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  1. Teaching Hanzi Using Correct Stroke Order and Bujian: An Analysis of CEGEP Students' Learning Experiences
  2. Joy Chengyu Lin Concordia University, Dawson College, Canada   Grace Cheng-Ying Lin Concordia Universit
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  1. Teacher Identity and Culture Teaching in Chinese Language Classrooms: A Case Study in a Canadian University
  2. Yujia Jiang University of the Fraser Valley, Canada   Abstract There has been a relative lack of resear
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  1. 基于效度论证模式的加拿大中文项目分班测试评估
  2. 王姝娇  麦吉尔大学,加拿大   李智 萨斯喀彻温大学,加拿大   孙
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  1. 针对北美日韩学生的汉语教学方法初探
  2. 王璟 戴尔豪斯大学,加拿大   摘要 在北美的汉语课堂里,来自原汉字文化圈
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  1. 7
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