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REAO: East Asian Studies Journals

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  1. 美国大学生以中文为目的语的海外实习研究
  2. 熊文 北卡莱纳温斯顿塞雷姆州立大学,美国 摘要 本研究以十一名美国大学生提交的
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  1. The Impact of Online Teaching on Interaction during the Pandemic: An Exploratory Study in CFL Classes
  2. Li Yang Kansas State University, United States Jia Lin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States
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  1. 英国成人网络直播交互式汉语教学研究:以直播交互式教学平台 Zoom 和 Blackboard Collaborate 为例
  2. 杨璐西  曼彻斯特大学,英国 王楚怡 雷丁大学,英国 摘要 英国成人汉语教学
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  1. Computer-Assisted Language Learning in China: What Opportunities and Challenges Are We Facing? An Interview with Jianlin Chen
  2. Muqing Ma Shanghai Polytechnic University, China Abstract Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has develope
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  1. 5
  2. 100