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英国成人网络直播交互式汉语教学研究:以直播交互式教学平台 Zoom 和 Blackboard Collaborate 为例

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英国成人汉语教学目前使用最广泛的两个网络直播交互式平台为 Zoom 和 Blackboard Collaborate。本研究采用定性和定量相结合的研究方式,以使用这两个平台的在英八所高等教育机构的成人汉语学习者及汉语教师为调查对象,着重对同一班级同一批师生的线上线下两种课堂进行对比,对这两个平台网络课堂相较于面授课堂所显现出来的优劣势进行探讨,并深入发掘影响网课质量的主要因素。调查显示,在线课堂虽然在某些方面稍逊于面授课堂,但总体评价仍非常积极,特别在时空灵活性、自主学习积极性、学习资料阅读和获取便捷性、书面练习反馈的高效性、通过平台辅助而实现的课堂效果满意度等方面获得好评。而在线教学的局限性主要在于轻微的网络技术故障、交流互动减少、平台操作较复杂等。影响在线教学效果的主要因素有:课堂吸引度与交流互动、教师支持与反馈、学习积极自主性和网课心理适应度。本文建议的应对策略为:优化教学设计、增强课堂互动、提供充足的学习支持与线上线下的反馈交流、激发学生学习的积极自主性、提高学生心理适应度、加强教师培训等。

汉语作为外语教学,网络直播交互式教学平台,英国成人学习者, Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate


A Study of Teaching Chinese for Adult Learners via Live Streaming Interactive Platforms in the UK: Taking Zoom and Blackboard Collaborate Platforms as Examples

Luxi Yang
University of Manchester, UK

Chuyi Wang
University of Reading, UK

In the post-pandemic era, the two most widely-used live streaming interactive teaching platforms for adult Chinese teaching in the UK are Zoom and Blackboard. This study adopts mixed research methods, focusing on learners of different levels and types of courses from six universities, namely Confucius Institute and adult education institution in England and Wales. This study examines the advantages and disadvantages of online Chinese teaching compared with face-to-face teaching and identifies major factors affecting online teaching quality. The results suggest that although online teaching is slightly less efficient than face-to-face teaching in certain aspects at the transition stage from offline to online, the overall benefits of this approach are positive, particularly regarding: flexibility in the learning place and time, the facilitation of autonomous and active learning, convenient access to reading and learning materials, effective feedback methods, and lesson satisfaction. Disadvantages of online teaching evident in this study include: minor technical and internet issues, reduced interaction and communication between students and teachers, complexity in operating the platforms. The main factors affecting online teaching identified in this study involve: class engagement and interaction, support and feedback from teachers, learning attitude and adaptability of new learning style. Suggested coping strategies include: improving lesson designs, increasing interactive activities, providing adequate support and feedback both online and offline, stimulating active learning, increasing students’ mental adaptability of online classes, and strengthening online teaching training.

Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, live streaming interactive teaching platform, adult learners in the UK, Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate