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REAO: East Asian Studies Journals

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Home Journal Index
  1. L2 Chinese Learners' Lexical and Grammatical Development of Result-state Resultative Verb Compounds: A Usage-based Corpus Study
  2. Jie Zhang University of Oklahoma, USA Abstract Taking usage-based approaches to second language (L2) development
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  1. Pedagogical and Theoretical Issues around the Resultative Verb Compound Construction in Mandarin Chinese
  2. I-hao Woo University of Colorado Denver, USA Abstract In this study, I discuss pedagogical and theoretical issues
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  1. A Research Synthesis on L2 Simplified Chinese Reading among Adults: Research and Pedagogical Implications
  2. Jingyi Zhu The Ohio State University, USA Abstract Even though there is still a dearth of scholarship in L2 simpl
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  1. A Generic Analysis of Prison Police Discourse and Prisoner Education from the Ecoliguistic Perspective
  2. Changyou Zhao Southwest University, China Qujing Normal University, China Chengyu Liu Southwest University, Chin
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  1. A Study of Chinese Language Teaching at British Universities: How Communicative are Chinese Teachers' Methods?
  2. Zhiyan Guo University of Warwick, UK Abstract Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) emerged from a paradigm shift
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  1. Exploring the Importance and Social Status of "laoshi" as a Greeting Used by Chinese Students to Address Their Teachers
  2. Xiaoqiong Hu Three Gorges University, China Mingzhu Qin Three Gorges University, China Pan Qi Three Gorges
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  1. Language Acquisition and Chinese Language Programs: An Interview with Boping Yuan
  2. Peng Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Abstract This is an interview with Dr. Boping Yuan, Reader in Chi
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