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REAO: East Asian Studies Journals

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Home Journal Index
  1. Introduction to the Special Issue
  2. Danping Wang University of Auckland, New Zealand   Yang Zhao Peking University, China   Th
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  1. Narrative Inquiry into Online Teaching of Chinese Characters during the Pandemic
  2. Qi Zhang Dublin City University, Ireland   Abstract Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic,
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  1. From Face-to-Face to Screen-to-Screen: CFL Teachers' Beliefs about Digital Teaching Competence during the Pandemic
  2. Chun Zhang Aarhus University, Denmark     Abstract As coronavirus lockdowns have moved many fa
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  1. Comparing Face-to-face and Online Teaching of Written and Spoken Chinese to Adult Learners: An Edinburgh-Sheffield Case Study
  2. Lucy Xia Zhao University of Sheffield, United Kingdom   Brittany Blankinship University of Edinburgh, U
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  1. Constructing an Emergency Chinese Curriculum during the Pandemic: A New Zealand Experience
  2. Danping Wang University of Auckland, New Zealand   Martin East University of Auckland, New Zealand &
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  1. International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching Research Grants Program
  2. Call for Applications International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching Research Grants   International J
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  1. Australian Students' Perceptions of the Challenges and Strategies for Learning Chinese Characters in Emergency Online Teaching
  2. Xiaoping Gao University of Wollongong, Australia   Abstract This study examines Australian students&rs
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