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The purpose of this policy is to establish a clear framework for the peer review process to ensure the integrity, quality, and ethical standards of IJCLT's publications. This policy includes specific guidelines for handling manuscripts that involve research with human subjects.
This policy applies to all manuscripts submitted to IJCLT for publication, including original research articles, review articles, and other scholarly works. It is relevant to all editors, reviewers, and authors involved in the submission, reviewing, and publication processes.
IJCLT strictly enforces the “double blind” reviewing protocol, in which the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. The handling editors conduct a preliminary in-house review of all submitted manuscripts and only those that fall within the journal’s scope and meet the minimum quality criteria will be passed on to at least two expert reviewers for formal reviewing. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, previous performance, and absence of conflicts of interest. Whenever possible, reviewers are matched to the manuscript according to their expertise.
Reviewers will be provided with IJCLT’s Review Form to assist their reviewing. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on originality, significance, methodological rigor, clarity, and contribution to the field. The editorial team makes decisions based on reviewers' recommendations, and the decision can be one of the following possibilities: minor revisions, major revisions, resubmit, and reject outright.
The time required for the review process depends on the response of the reviewers. The typical time for the first round of the reviewing process is approximately 4-6 weeks, with a maximum of three months.
Ethical Considerations for Research Involving Human Subjects
Ethical Approval. Manuscripts reporting research involving human subjects must include a statement confirming that the research was conducted in accordance with ethical standards. Along with the main manuscript, authors should also provide details of IRB or ethics committee approvals, including the name of the approving institution and reference numbers.
Informed Consent. During the online submission process, authors must confirm that informed consent was obtained from all participants or their legal guardians. Within the manuscript, the consent process should also be clearly described, including how consent was obtained and documented.
Privacy and Confidentiality. Authors must ensure the privacy and confidentiality of participants are protected. Identifiable information of participants should not be published unless explicit consent has been obtained, and authors should explain how confidentiality was maintained.
For questions regarding the peer review policy or ethical guidelines, please contact the editorial team at info@clt-international.org.