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Jing Li
Xiaohui Ren
Xinliang Jiang
Chiu-Hung Chen
University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
This paper investigates ChatGPT’s application as an instructional tool in three Chinese language courses and reports on the feedback from the instructors. ChatGPT, an AI chatbot built upon OpenAI’s GPT language model, emulates human-like conversational interactions and has been integrated into classroom settings. This report delves into the ways ChatGPT enhances the learning experience across varying levels of Chinese language proficiency. In the development of learning activities with ChatGPT, we adhered to institutional AI guidelines and employed a backward design approach. The instructional activities include: 1) Intermediate Low Chinese class: ChatGPT assists students in independently learning grammar and engages in conversational exchanges centered around lessonrelated cultural insights. 2) Intermediate High Chinese class: Students utilize ChatGPT to compare their initial drafts with ChatGPT’s revised versions to assist them in ultimately composing narrative short texts with accurate time connectors, coherent sentences, clear logic, and smooth expression. 3) Academic Chinese Writing class: Students input assignment grading criteria into ChatGPT, which subsequently evaluates initial drafts, offering constructive revision recommendations. Students critically reflect on ChatGPT’s initial draft evaluations and revise accordingly. The instructors highlight ChatGPT’s attributes, such as flexibility, real-time responsiveness, and access to a wealth of information, which substantially enrich the learning experience. Importantly, ChatGPT does not assume an authoritarian role in the classroom; rather, it functions as a peer, providing students with a reference point and a platform for discussion. Students actively engage in critical thinking, discussion, reflection, and autonomously seek improved writing outcomes through dialogue with ChatGPT. The introduction of ChatGPT as a peer-assisted teaching tool allows us to leverage its strengths while mitigating its limitations.
ChatGPT, AI in language learning, Chinese language education, academic Chinese writing
ChatGPT 在中文课堂中的应用
本文探索 ChatGPT 作为教学工具在三门中文课程中的应用,并报告教师的反馈意见。 ChatGPT是一种人工智能( AI)聊天机器人,由 OpenAI 于 2018 年提出的 GPT 语言模型,利用 AI 模拟与用户进行类似于人类的对话的软件应用程序。本报告探讨了 ChatGPT 如何在不同水平的中文语言课程中提升学习体验。在设计 ChatGPT 支持的学习活动时,我们参考本校在课堂中使用人工智能的建议,并采用反向设计法 (backward design)。教学活动包括: 1)中级低级中文课程: ChatGPT 协助学生独立学习语法,并参与围绕课程相关文化见解的对话交流。 2)中级高级中文课程:学生利用 ChatGPT 获取背景信息,批判性评估内容,并要求对其文章进行语法审查。 3)学术中文写作课程:学生将作业评分标准输入 ChatGPT, ChatGPT 随后评估初稿并提供建设性的修订建议。学生对 ChatGPT 的初稿评估进行批判性反思并进行相应的修订。授课教师认为 ChatGPT 因其灵活、及时和大信息量等优势,丰富了学习体验。 ChatGPT 不在课堂中扮演权威角色,而是作为同侪,为学生提供参考和讨论的平台。学生积极参与批判性思考、讨论、反思,并通过与 ChatGPT 的对话自主寻求改进写作结果。从同侪的角度引入 ChatGPT辅助教学,使我们能够充分利用其优势,同时克服其局限性。