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华东师范大学, 中国
随着以 ChatGPT 为代表的生成式大语言模型的不断发展,人工智能辅助二语教学成为近年来的研究热点之一。人工智能辅助二语教学的相关研究涉及词汇习得、二语写作等多个方面, ChatGPT 辅助二语写作的相关研究成果也不断涌现,但 ChatGPT 辅助汉语二语写作的研究成果仍相对较少。本文以某在华北美短期强化沉浸式中文项目为例,收集了 62 篇中高级汉语二语学习者的作文文本,对比并总结中文主讲教师和人工智能书面纠正性反馈类型的异同,并从内容和形式方面对比中文主讲教师的书面纠正性反馈和 ChatGPT 的书面纠正性反馈特点,并探究ChatGPT 的书面纠正性反馈在词法、句法层面的正确性,以期为 ChatGPT 在汉语二语写作反馈方面的应用提供一定借鉴。
A Study on ChatGPT-assisted Written Corrective Feedback in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Anna Gao
East China Normal University, China
With the continuous development of generative large language models such as ChatGPT, AIassisted second language learning has become one of the hot research topics in recent years. The research on AI-assisted second language education involves various aspects such as vocabulary acquisition and second language writing. There has been an emerging numbers of research on ChatGPT-assisted second language writing, but the research on ChatGPT-assisted writing in Chinese as a second language is still relatively scarce. This paper collects 62 essays from intermediate and advanced American college-level learners of Chinese as a second language from an intensive immersion Chinese learning program located in China. It compares and summarizes the similarities and differences between the written corrective feedback types provided by the Chinese instructors and AI, and contrasts the content and form of the Chinese instructors’ written corrective feedback with that of ChatGPT. It analyzes the accuracy of the written corrective feedback of ChatGPT from the lexical and syntactic perspectives, in the hopes of providing insights for the application of ChatGPT in the feedback of Chinese as a second language writing.
ChatGPT, written corrective feedback, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language