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在留学生教育提质增效新形势下,留学生的汉语学术写作问题日益引起广泛关注。已有研究主要探讨了留学生汉语学术写作的特点和问题,但关于不同阶段的留学生汉语学术写作的发展研究较少。本文以上海某高校汉语国际教育专业的 50 篇留学生本科毕业论文和广东某高校 50篇汉语国际教育硕士留学生毕业论文为样本,以此来对比分析汉语二语者的学术写作发展情况。文章综合前人研究考察了宏观学术研究能力、中观学术表达规范、微观学术语言能力 3 个维度共 12 个考察指标。研究发现,整体上留学生在中观和宏观维度学术写作发展较为明显,而微观维度的发展则较为缓慢。在具体 12 个指标上的发展情况也不均衡,可分为“略有进步”“明显发展”和“显著发展”三组。研究也揭示,除了学生汉语水平差异之外,留学生学术写作的发展还受到课程安排、教学实践等多种因素的影响。本文也提出了相应的建议,以助力提升本专业留学生学术论文写作能力。





The Development of Academic Writing for Chinese as Second Language Learners——Taking Undergraduate and Master’s Thesis of International Students Majoring in Chinese International Education as an Example

Zhi Geng

Qi Jiang

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China



Under the new situation of improving the quality and efficiency of international student education, the issue of Chinese academic writing for international students has attracted increasing attention. Previous studies have mainly explored the features and problems of Chinese academic writing for international students, but there are few studies on the development of Chinese academic writing for international students at different stages. This article takes 50 undergraduate theses and 50 master’s theses of international students majoring in Chinese international education in a university in Shanghai and another university in Guangdong as samples to compare and analyze the development of academic writing for Chinese as a second language learners. This article comprehensively examines 12 indicators in three dimensions: macro academic research ability, meso-level academic expression norms, and micro academic language ability. The study finds that overall, the development of international students’ academic writing is more obvious in the meso and macro dimensions, while the micro dimension is relatively slow. The development of the 12 indicators is also uneven, which can be divided into three groups: “slight progress”, “apparent development”, and “significant development”. The study also reveals that besides the differences in Chinese proficiency, the development of international students’ academic writing is also affected by multiple factors, such as specific curriculum settings and availability of teaching practice. This article also puts forward corresponding suggestions to help improve the academic writing ability of international students in this major.



Chinese international education, Chinese as a second language learners, academic writing, development research