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Home Journal Index 2022-3

L2 Academic Discourse Socialization in a US Chinese Language Flagship Program

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Xinyue Lu
The Ohio State University, USA

Focusing on a group of learners enrolled in a master’s Chinese Language Flagship program at a Midwestern university in the US, the current study attempts to reveal the academic discourse practices promoted in the Flagship program and uncover the multiple levels of practices instructors do to socialize the students to become competent members of the target academic community. Informed by the theoretical framework of language socialization (Schieffelin & Ochs, 1986), this study adopts an ethnographic design to collect audio and video recordings of class interactions in two graduate seminars, semi-structured interviews with students and instructors, and participant observation field notes. The analysis reveals two important practices, academic oral presentation, and Sòng or group recitation of Classical Chinese phrases, as loci and resources for students’ discourse socialization. While the two courses share a similar instructional sequential structure that entails pre-class scaffolding, performance elicitation, and feedback, they are enacted in different ways and for different purposes. On a microlevel, teachers often initiate shifts between content-focused and language-focused activities to fulfill the program’s goal to promote language and domain proficiency development. The findings suggest that L2 academic discourse socialization is a complex and contextualized process that involves moment-tomoment, dual-or multi-level negotiation of expertise.

Academic discourse socialization, Chinese as an academic language, L2 socialization, Chinese as a foreign language, Chinese for academic purposes



本研究以在美国一所中西部大学就读硕士汉语旗舰课程的学习者为对象,探讨并揭示该项目中倡导的汉语学术语规律及教师为实现学生语言社会化而采取的多层次实践。受语言社会化理论( Schieffelin & Ochs, 1986)的启发,本研究采用民族志的方法收集并记录了教师和学生在两门硕士生研讨会上的语言互动。研究数据包括课堂视频,音频,田野笔记,及对老师和学生的半结构访谈。数据分析揭示了两种汉语学术语社会化的重要实践:学术口头报告和经典诵读。研究发现两门研讨会具有类似的教学结构,包括课前准备、课堂展示及反馈,但该结构在两门课上的具体呈现形式及教学目的有所不同。从话语分析层面上看,教师经常在以内容为中心和以语言为中心的活动之间进行转换,以帮助学生实现语言能力的提高和领域能力的发展。研究结果表明,二语学术语社会化是一个复杂的、情境化的过程,涉及即时、双或多层次的专业知识协商。

学术语社会化,汉语作为学术语言, 二语社会化,对外汉语,学术汉语