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Home Journal Index 2023-3

Designing and Developing Multimedia Videos and Micro-Movies for Flipped/Blended Language Learning: An Exploratory Study

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Shenglan Zhang

Iowa State University, USA



Flipped learning/blended has become popular in foreign language teaching. Learning grammar and vocabulary can take place outside of classrooms to save Face-to-Face (FTF) time for more interactive practice. However, good materials to aid students for this purpose are not often available online. This study used an exploratory approach in combination of the Design-Based research method to investigate whether vocabulary and grammar videos and micro-movies designed according to instructional and multimedia design principles helped students learn and how students used these pre-recorded materials for their learning outside of class. Thirty-nine beginning- and intermediatelevel Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language (CFL) learners in a university in the United States participated in the study. Data were collected through questionnaires, reflections, interviews, and verbal protocol. The findings show that these materials enforced students’ learning of both vocabulary and grammar. The students enjoyed and benefited from using these materials in terms of learning how to use new grammar points and new vocabulary, practicing listening and writing skills, and acquiring cultural and pragmatic language skills. The students also pointed out what improvements should be made to the materials such as anticipating questions from the students and clarify those questions, using the break-down method more extensively in explaining the grammatical structures, providing a more extensive explanation of the grammar and using more complicated examples, and so on. The findings shed light on how to design online pre-recorded materials to maximize CFL learners’ learning. The paper concludes with three design principles drawn from this study.



Multimedia design, pre-recorded lecture, micro-movie, blended learning, flipped learning







本研究旨在探讨在中文教学中,如何为反转学习和混合式教学设计并录制多媒体影像资料以帮助语法词汇学习。 翻转式学习在外语学习中广受欢迎,混合式教学因为它给学生提供便利,也是被广泛采用。 利用翻转、混合教学方式,可以将语法和词汇的学习和巩固所学内容需要的练习放到课堂之外,从而为面对面的互动练习留出更多时间。 然而,线上已有的资源中很难找到完全适合教学目标的语法词汇数据供学生课外使用。 本文采用探索性研究方法,对语法词汇多媒体影像资料的设计原则以及预先录制、其运用对学习的影响、学生如何有效使用等问题进行了调查。 美国一所大学中,三十九位以中文为外语的初级和中级学生参与了本项研究。数据收集采用了问卷、学生反思、访谈和出声思维等方法。 研究结果表明,这些预先录制的多媒体影像材料加强了学生对语法和词汇的学习。 学生很享受使用过程,他们认为,使用这些数据对他们学习新知识点、提高听力、写字、语用能力,以及获得文化与交际技能都有很大帮助。 此外,他们也指出了需要改进的方面, 比如增加语法解释的深度,多利用复杂句式的例子,预测学生可能有的问题在影像资料中给出答案,将微电影做得更专业,等等。 基于以上研究结果,作者提出了三条设计原则。


