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Home Journal Index 2022-3

要重视国际中文教育的学科史研究 —— 法国白乐桑(Joël Bellassen)教授访谈录(下)

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这是我们与法国白乐桑教授访谈的下半部分。在这部分访谈中,白乐桑教授谈论了中文教学的独特性、汉语教师协会所起到的重要作用、法国汉学研究传统与汉语教学之间的关系,以及他正在开展的“法国的汉语传播史研究”项目。白乐桑教授的主要观点包括:( 1)要重视国际中文教育的学科史研究,任何一门学科的历史都归属于这门学科,建构了该学科的哲学认识论基础;( 2)要重视国际中文教育的概念史解读,比如作为学科关键词的“教学”对应于法文中三个不同的词“enseignement, didactique, pédagogie”;( 3)要重视各国的汉语教师协会在组织讨论、引领教学、融入当地等方面所发挥的积极作用;( 4)要重视教学大纲和等级标准在各国中等教育阶段的汉语教学中所起到的规范化、标准化、科学化作用;( 5)要重视慕课等新形态教学媒介在未来中文在线教学中的价值和意义。


We Must Pay Attention to the Study of the Subject History of International Chinese Education: An Interview with Joël Bellassen (Part 2)

Jian Wu
Junji Gong
Zhejiang University, China

This is the second half of our interview with Professor Joël Bellassen. In this part of the interview, Professor Joël Bellassen talked about the uniqueness of Chinese education, the important role played by the Chinese teachers’ Association, the relationship between the tradition of French Sinology research and Chinese teaching, and the project “Research on the History of Chinese Communication in France”, which he is carrying out. His main views are as follows: (1) We should attach importance to the study of the subject history of International Chinese Education, and the history of any subject belongs to this subject; (2) We should attach importance to the interpretation of the concept history of International Chinese Education. For example, “teaching” as a subject keyword corresponds to three different words in French: “enseignement, didactique, pédagogie ”; (3) We should pay attention to the positive role played by Chinese teachers’ associations in various countries in organizing discussions, guiding teaching, and integrating into the local community; (4) We should pay attention to the role of the syllabus and grade standards and standardization of Chinese teaching in the secondary education stage; (5) We should pay attention to the value and significance of new forms of teaching media such as MOOC in the future Chinese online teaching.


Subject history, concept history, syllabus, grade standard, Chinese Teachers Association