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Home Journal Index 2024-1

Integration of ChatGPT into Project-based Learning: A Course Design Framework

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Xin Liang

Jing Luo

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China



This paper proposes the design of a course which integrates ChatGPT into Project-based Learning (PBL). It is a 12-hour Chinese language course which aims to cater to the diverse learning needs of the students in the formal Chinese language courses at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The design of the course empowers learners to set their own intended learning outcomes and to determine a topic for a group project which leads to a product based on their learning needs and interests. They can achieve the intended learning outcomes through exploring and accomplishing the project with the guidance of the teacher and the utilization of ChatGPT. The course objective, content and sequencing, format and presentation, and assessment are illustrated based on Nation and Macalister’s (2010) model. Through the analysis of the findings, we have identified the various roles of learners, teachers, and ChatGPT in the course. This paper provides insights into the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in language education and a useful reference for future AIintegrated course design.



Chinese curriculum design, Project-based Learning, ChatGPT


融合 Chat GPT 与项目式学习的中文课程设计框架






本研究旨在提出一个将 ChatGPT 融合到项目式学习中的短期汉语课程设计框架。该课程共 12小时,旨在满足香港科技大学学生多样化的学习需求,尤其是他们在正式课程中无法实现的个体需求。课程初始阶段,学生可以自主设定预期学习成果,并据此确定一个小组成员皆感兴趣的项目主题及最终产出成果。此后,学生会运用 Chat GPT 进行内容和语言方面的探索,并在教师的指导下完成项目。本文基于 Nation 和 Macalister( 2010)的语言课程设计模型,详细论述了课程目标、教学内容与组织、学习活动,以及评估方式。在研究发现中,本文总结了学习者、教师和 ChatGPT 在课程中所扮演的角色,据此分析了人工智能( AI)工具在语言教育中的潜力,并为未来整合 AI 的中文课程设计提供了参考建议。



中文课程设计,项目式学习, ChatGPT