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近些年随着国际学历生数量增加,学术汉语教学与研究逐步走进国际中文教育大舞台。作为专门用途汉语的一大分支,学术汉语可继续细分为“通用学术汉语”和“专用学术汉语”两类。前者是指以阅读理解、论文写作及研究发表等为主要环节的、各学科专业通用的汉语语言教学与研究,后者则是以自然科学、社会科学及人文学科等为分类界限的汉语语言教学与研究。无论如何对学术汉语开展分类,基本的语言本体研究与教育教学实践均具有统一性。为了更好服务国际中文教育,提升学术汉语教学与研究质量,助力中文在学术领域的发展,本次专刊在海内外广泛征集学术汉语教学与研究投稿,共录用 14 篇文章。这些文章高度关注学术汉语教学与研究的各个方面,涵盖了语言本体、教育教学、教材及写作等方面的研究,采用的研究方法多样,很好反映了当前学术汉语教学与研究的前沿热点。

Teaching and Researching Chinese for Academic Purposes

Ping Xin

Peking University, China


Ken Chen

Xiamen University, China


Shui Li

Tsinghua University, China



In recent years, the field of Chinese for academic purposes teaching and research has witnessed significant growth alongside the increasing number of international students. Chinese for academic purposes, as a prominent branch of Chinese for specific purposes, can be categorized into “Chinese for General Academic Purposes” and “Chinese for Specialized Academic Purposes”. The former encompasses language instruction and research related to reading comprehension, paper writing, and research publication, catering to diverse academic disciplines. The latter specifically concentrates on teaching and research of Chinese language within natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and other specific fields. Regardless of the classification of Chinese for academic purposes, the fundamental research on language and educational practices have a unified nature. In order to better serve international Chinese language education, improve the quality of teaching and research on Chinese for academic purposes, and contribute to the development of Chinese in the academic field, this special issue has extensively solicited contributions on the teaching and research of Chinese for academic purposes from both domestic and international sources, resulting in the acceptance of 14 articles. These articles highly focus on various aspects of teaching and research on Chinese for academic purposes, covering research on language, education and teaching, textbooks, and writing. A variety of research methods have been employed, reflecting the current frontier trends in teaching and researching Chinese for academic purposes.


This special issue has effectively covered several major aspects of current teaching and research on Chinese for academic purposes. These studies not only reveal new features, trends, and issues in the research of academic Chinese language, but also vividly demonstrate the new situations, challenges, and opportunities faced in academic Chinese teaching. It is hoped that this special issue on teaching and researching Chinese for academic purposes can provide a research window for readers both domestically and internationally who are interested in this topic. Through these research findings, which are based on solid data, thorough analysis, and reliable conclusions, more researchers can gain an understanding of the current state and development of Chinese for academic purposes, enrich the research outcomes in this field, and contribute to international Chinese language education more effectively.



Chinese for academic purposes, teaching and researching, international Chinese language education