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本文采用课堂观察及教师反思日志调查并分析了对外汉语新手教师线上课堂纠正性反馈的频率、策略分布以及与偏误类型的关系。研究发现,对外汉语新手教师线上课堂的纠正性反馈频率较低,其中对语法偏误的反馈率最低。线上教学中重述是使用最多的纠正性反馈策略,其次是明确纠正。纠正性反馈策略与偏误类型有一定的关系 :语音偏误的反馈以重述为主,其次是请求澄清 ;语法偏误的反馈以重述为主,其次是明确纠正 ;词汇偏误的反馈以重述和综合反馈策略为主。研究结果反映了线上教学模式下新手教师对学生的偏误不太敏感,尤其是语法偏误和语音偏误。此外,新手教师纠正性反馈策略的使用不够丰富,且倾向于选择能提供语言表达正确形式的反馈策略。
Novice Teachers’ Corrective Feedback Practice in Online Chinese Language Classrooms
This paper uses the classroom observation method and teacher’ log to investigate and analyze the frequency, strategy distribution and the relationship between the corrective feedback of the novice Chinese teacher and the type of errors in the online teaching. We found that the frequency of corrective feedback in online classes for novice teachers of Chinese as a foreign language was low and the feedback rate of grammatical errors is the lowest. Recast is the mostly used corrective feedback strategy in online teaching, followed by explicit correction. Corrective feedback strategy and the type of errors have certain relationship. The feedback of phonological errors is mainly recast, followed by request clarification. The corrective feedback strategy of grammatical errors is mainly recast, followed by explicit correction and lexical errors is mainly recast and comprehensive feedback strategy. The results reflect that the novice teachers are not very sensitive to the students’ errors in the online teaching, especially the grammatical errors and the phonological errors. Moreover, the corrective feedback strategies used by novice teachers is not rich enough and the novice teacher tends to choose feedback strategies that provide the correct form of language expression.
Corrective feedback, novice teacher, online teaching, Chinese as a foreign language