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Clifford Publishing (www.cliffordpub.com) is an imprint of Clifford Media International which is headquartered in Hong Kong and specializes in and invests on creative designs, web technology, conferences and exhibitions, and academic publishing.
Clifford Publishing is owned by Clifford Media International and supervised by a team of leading professors from world renowned universities. Clifford Publishing publishes journals, monographs, anthologies, textbooks, and reference books in the areas of modern languages, linguistics, translation studies, psychology, education, management, philosophy, literary studies, cognitive science, and the interdisciplinary study of technology and humanities.
Clifford Publishing is honored to join the sponsorship for the International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching Research Grants Program. Recipients of the fund are presented below.
Year |
Recipient |
Institution |
2020 |
Danping Wang |
The University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Towards the Digital Future in Chinese Language Teaching
2020 |
Li Yang |
Kansas State University, USA |
Effects of Pairing Method on Web-Based Collaborative Writing in L2 Chinese
2020 |
Xinyue Lu |
The Ohio State University, USA |
L2 Academic Discourse Socialization in a U.S. Chinese Language Flagship Program